Front-End and Back-End Developer.
Mac and iOS Developer.
3D Graphics Developer.
Augmented Reality - Virtual Archery Project at FH Düsseldorf
Released Paper: Goin’ Goblins - Iterative Design of an Entertaining Archery Experience
Take a Photo and immediately send it via E-Mail to your friends, co-worker or printer.
Constructive Solid Geometry made for Unity.
Supports Union, Subtractive and Intersection. Includes
Planar Texture Mapping or using existing Texture Coordinates.
Workflow Tool is a Extension/Replacement for the Clipboard. Project-Oriented Design helps you to keep your Files and Information organized.
OS X Application
Simulates Window Locking (using STRL+L). Supports Custom
Keyboard Shortcut. Status Item for Locking per Mouse.
Classic PONG Game using HTML 5 and Canvas Technology.
Project was mainly for learning Grahpics Programming with
JavaScript, Canvas and Web-Technologie.
Control your Player with the Arrow Keys UP and DOWN.
unleash3d is a modern Game Engine with the following Features: